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Berlin and London agree on closer cooperation in weapons development

Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius (SPD) and his British counterpart John Healey have agreed on closer cooperation in the areas of 'development, production and procurement of weapons and ammunition'. The ministers signed a joint declaration on closer military cooperation in Berlin on...

Boris Pistorius (r.) receives John Healey in Berlin
Boris Pistorius (r.) receives John Healey in Berlin

Berlin and London agree on closer cooperation in weapons development

As an example, Pistorius mentioned the joint development of advanced precision weapons that Germany has agreed upon with France and other European countries. He was pleased with Healey's announcement to join the project, said Pistorius. "We want to collectively fill a European capability gap," said the SPD politician during Healey's visit to Berlin.

Healey, who has only been in office for a few weeks, was welcomed with military honors in Berlin. "We need to and must work even closer together" and "build our relationship on a new foundation," emphasized Pistorius. Both countries want "to strengthen the European pillar within NATO and thus NATO as a whole," added he.

Healey called the "joint declaration" an "important step" towards a "new, deeper defense relationship" between the two countries. In the years following Britain's exit from the EU, the relations between Britain and many European allies have been at best strained, said Healey. The new Labour government is "ready to redefine our relationships with Europe."

The Labour Party gained a landslide victory in the parliamentary elections at the beginning of July for the first time since 14 years and regained the parliamentary majority. The government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer has signaled its intention to redefine the relationship with European partners in many areas.

  1. Boris Pistorius, the SPD politician, highlighted the importance of Germany's weapons development cooperation with France and other European countries in Berlin, which includes the joint development of advanced precision weapons.
  2. Pistorius welcomed the announcement by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, expressing his pleasure about Healey's decision to join the project, emphasizing the need for closer collaboration between the two countries.
  3. Germany (historically, France) and Britain aim to strengthen the European pillar within NATO and reinforce NATO as a whole through their joint weapons development project, as stated by Pistorius.
  4. In response to Boris Pistorius's comments, Ben Healey referred to the "joint declaration" as an important step towards establishing a new, deeper defense relationship between Germany and Britain.
  5. Boris Pistorius, in his capacity as a German politician, expressed his hope that the new Labour government in Britain, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, would maintain a positive relation with Europe, reflecting the SDP's emphasis on cooperation with European allies.

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