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Berlin and Hamburg want to work together on local transport

Hamburg and Berlin want to work more closely together in the area of local transport in future and drive forward joint projects. This includes, for example, developing a joint transport and sales platform. The two city states also want to cooperate on topics such as autonomous driving and the...

Anjes Tjarks (l, Alliance 90/The Greens), Hamburg Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition,...
Anjes Tjarks (l, Alliance 90/The Greens), Hamburg Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition, and Ute Bonde (CDU), Berlin Senator for Mobility.

Traffic - Berlin and Hamburg want to work together on local transport

In these six areas, teams from the Hamburg and Berlin transport companies and associations are intended to collaborate in the future. In the field of autonomous driving, for example, they want to develop common standards to eventually integrate self-driving buses into the existing traffic. Other topics include a safer and barrier-free public transportation system, such as new interior concepts for vehicles, and the use of Artificial Intelligence to control and monitor mobility behavior.

A welcome side effect of this cooperation is that neither city will have to spend money on developing parallel projects anymore, Bonde pointed out. "This contributes to the budget consolidation of both city-states as well as the transport companies and associations," added Hamburg's colleague Tjarks. "Imagine having to develop just one app for two cities." However, the responsible parties are still a long way from that, they added.

  1. Ute Bonde, from Berlin, stated that the collaboration between transport teams in Berlin and Hamburg will lead to budget consolidation for both city-states, as they will avoid developing parallel projects.

2.The teams are aiming to integrate self-driving buses into local traffic as part of their joint efforts in the development of autonomous driving standards.

  1. In addition to autonomous driving, the teams are working on a safer and barrier-free public transportation system, which includes new interior concepts for vehicles and the application of Artificial Intelligence to manage and monitor mobility behavior.
  2. Tjarks, Hamburg's colleague, suggested that this joint cooperation could potentially result in the development of a single transit app for both cities, eliminating the need for separate apps in the future.

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