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Berlin and Brandenburg experience cloudy skies with temperatures up to 21 degrees.

The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.
The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.

Current Climate Conditions - Berlin and Brandenburg experience cloudy skies with temperatures up to 21 degrees.

On a sunny summer Saturday, it's predicted to be cloudy in Berlin and Brandenburg on the following day. The German Weather Service (DWD) has announced that a chilly front will move through these states on Sunday night. There won't be any rain on Sunday, with mild winds. Temperatures will lower to a range of 7 to 11 degrees during the night. Monday is expected to be cloudy, occasionally sunny, and dry. The DWD projects light rain will fall in Prignitz and Fläming in the evening. The maximum temperature is predicted to range from 17 to 21 degrees. Temperatures are set to decrease to 8 to 11 degrees in the night before Tuesday. A spell of light showers is expected, as forecasted by the DWD on Tuesday, which will be accompanied by clouds and localized precipitation, with temperatures reaching a maximum of 15 to 18 degrees.

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Despite the sunny Saturday prediction, the maximum value of temperatures might only reach 21 degrees in Berlin and Brandenburg on the following Sunday, according to the DWD. Interestingly, even though Sunday will be cloudy, no rain is expected in Berlin and Brandenburg, as mentioned by the weather service. Further, while the weather in Brandenburg and Berlin is expected to be cloudy on Monday, the weather in Prignitz and Fläming might experience light rain, as projected by the DWD.

