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Berger continues to ponder over assuming the position in the state legislature

Matthias Berger is widely recognized as a prominent local politician. He secured a direct seat as the chief representative of the Freie Wähler in the state election. Nevertheless, he ponders if operating independently holds any substance.

The Grimma mayor remains indecisive about affirming his position in the city's state legislature.
The Grimma mayor remains indecisive about affirming his position in the city's state legislature.

Regional democratic processes - Berger continues to ponder over assuming the position in the state legislature

Matthias Berger, the mayor of Grimma, hasn't made up his mind about joining the Saxon State Parliament, following his success in securing a direct seat for the Free Voters. In a chat with the German Press Agency, the 56-year-old mentioned, "Our aim was to make our presence felt as a faction in the state parliament." He was satisfied with his election outcome, acknowledging that it reflected positively on his local political efforts. He went on to say that the future is yet uncertain.

Berger had previously expressed doubts about representing the Free Voters as a solitary figure in the state parliament. On the election day, he clinched the direct mandate in the Leipzig Land 3 constituency with a 36.6% vote share, leaving contenders such as AfD's Jörg Dornau (30.7%) in his wake.

Since 2008, Berger has been serving as the mayor of Grimma and enjoys widespread popularity. Berger explained that the Free Voters aim to practice a conservative-bourgeois politics in the middle. Unfortunately, the Free Voters fell short of entering the state parliament by a thin margin, securing only 2.3% of the votes. Berger, however, managed to secure a seat through the direct mandate. If he chooses not to accept his seat, a candidate from the Free Voters' state list may be elected according to Saxon election rules.

Berger expressed his desire to celebrate the successful election outcome with his supporters, organizing a small gathering as a token of appreciation. Regardless of his decision about joining the Saxon State Parliament, Berger mentioned that a party would be a fitting way to celebrate the unity and success of the Free Voters in Grimma.

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