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Beneficiaries of the fresh start-up support with a value of 1000 euros

Individuals beneath the age of 25 hailing from financially disadvantaged backgrounds are entitled...
Individuals beneath the age of 25 hailing from financially disadvantaged backgrounds are entitled to a one-time financial aid of 1000 euros.

Beneficiaries of the fresh start-up support with a value of 1000 euros

Going for higher education can be a financial challenge, particularly for first-year students who don't have sufficient funds. The Student Startup Aid comes as a rescue in such situations. This one-time grant of 1000 euros is designed to cushion the transition into university life for young individuals under 25 years old, who either themselves or through their families, had relied on social aid before commencing their academic journey. Here's what you should be aware of:

1. Eligibility Criteria

The Student Startup Aid is subject to specific terms and conditions. According to the German Student Union, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Belong to the age group under 25 years
  • Enroll in a full-time degree program at a university for the first time
  • Provide proof of enrollment
  • Present documentation proving receipt of social benefits such as housing allowance, child supplement, unemployment benefit, social assistance, or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act in the previous month of enrollment

Students residing in youth welfare institutions, whose parents are exempted from maintenance contributions, can also apply for this aid.

2. Application Process

Students can digitally apply for the Student Startup Aid through the "" platform, starting September 2nd. It's worth noting that the eligibility for this aid is independent of BAföG and won't affect any BAföG financial support.

For the online application, you will require:

  • A BundID
  • The enrollment certificate from the university
  • Verification of receiving social benefits in the previous month of enrollment

3. Application Deadlines

According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), prospects for receiving the Student Startup Aid can be submitted until the end of the following month of commencing education. For example, for those commencing their studies in October, the deadline for application is November 30th.

4. Repayment

The Student Startup Aid is a grant and is generally non-repayable.

The Student Startup Aid is specifically intended for consumers, as it is designed for young individuals under 25 years old who have relied on social aid. If a consumer meets the eligibility criteria and is successfully granted the aid, they are not required to repay it, as it is generally non-repayable.

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