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Belgian royals arrive in Berlin for trip to Germany

The Belgian royal couple will be spending three days in Berlin and Dresden. On the first day of their state visit, there are receptions in the capital - including a few fans.

The royal couple Queen Mathilde (l-r) and King Philippe and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai
The royal couple Queen Mathilde (l-r) and King Philippe and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU).

Nobility - Belgian royals arrive in Berlin for trip to Germany

Germany has another royal visit: the Belgian royal couple have begun their three-day trip to Germany in Berlin. King Philippe and Queen Mathilde and a delegation arrived at BER Airport on Tuesday morning for their state visit. They were then received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU). According to the Office of the Federal President, this is the first state visit by the monarch and his wife to Germany.

King Philippe, who celebrated his tenth anniversary on the throne this year, wore a black suit with a patterned tie. Queen Mathilde was dressed in dark green and gray. In the afternoon, they were first greeted by Steinmeier with military honors at Bellevue Palace, the official residence of the Federal President. During the traditional ritual with a military honor formation, the guests of state listened to the anthems of both countries.

Onlookers with Belgian flags

Philippe and Mathilde then made their way to the Brandenburg Gate, where they were welcomed by Wegner. Some onlookers had come with Belgian flags in their hands. According to a statement, Wegner said: "This state visit is also an expression of the strong friendship between Berlin and Belgium and will deepen our ties even further." A wreath-laying ceremony at the Neue Wache, Germany's central memorial to the victims of war and tyranny, was also planned.

Philippe - the eldest son of former King Albert II - is known for his calm and reserved manner. The state visit is to focus on the partnership between Belgium and Germany - for example with regard to the energy transition. The three-day trip to Germany ends on Thursday in Dresden.

On Tuesday evening, a state banquet hosted by the Federal President in honor of the royal visit was on the agenda. According to a speech text published in advance, Steinmeier described the bilateral cooperation between Belgium and Germany as "trusting and, above all, friendly". Good neighborly relations are all the more important in a time of upheaval and global challenges. He also mentioned climate change.

King Philippe also praised the good cooperation and cited climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies as examples. "Our country is an important link in the energy transit to Germany," said King Philippe according to a speech text that was circulated in advance. Belgium is working on the intelligent distribution of clean energy from the North Sea and has built wind turbines for 300,000 families on the German Baltic coast. "This unprecedented cooperation with Germany shows that Belgium is part of the solution to numerous challenges."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium on the state visit Office of the Federal President on the state visit Official program of the state visit

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