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Beijing accuses Berlin of economic discrimination

MAN takeover prohibited

MAN Energy-Solutions manufactures systems for storing electrical energy.
MAN Energy-Solutions manufactures systems for storing electrical energy.

Beijing accuses Berlin of economic discrimination

After the examination, the Economy Ministry prohibits the takeover of MAN Energy Solutions by a Chinese company with connections to the military industry. Beijing reacts angrily and accuses Berlin of discrimination.

The Chinese leadership has sharply criticized the sale ban of MAN Energy Solutions' gas turbine division to a Chinese corporation by the German government. The Chinese government "turns against the politicization of normal commercial cooperation, the overuse of the concept of national security, and the artificial creation of trade barriers," announced a spokesperson from the Foreign Ministry. Germany is discriminating against Chinese companies with this ban, according to the accusation.

The company CSIC Longjiang Guanghan Gas Turbine (GHGT), which is said to maintain close ties to the Chinese military industry, wanted to acquire the division together with its German subsidiary – Guanghan Gas Turbine GmbH.

The Federal Ministry of Economics referred to a "completed investment review" on a Wednesday. Based on this, the cabinet prohibited the takeover. The ministry made no further statements "regarding business and operational secrets, as well as security interests."

MAN Energy Solutions, based in Augsburg, produces not only gas turbines but also steam turbines and large engines - for ship propulsion systems as well as for the generation and storage of electrical energy. Worldwide, around 14,000 people work for the company. The turnover in the previous year amounted to four billion euros.

  1. Despite the Traffic light coalition's decision to prohibit the takeover of MAN Energy Solutions by a Chinese company, Robert Habeck, the German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, remained silent on the specific reasons behind the ban.
  2. The Chinese government expressed concern over Germany's recent action, arguing that it represents a form of discrimination against Chinese companies in the field of takeovers and mergers, particularly in the economy sector.
  3. The Federal Ministry of Economics' move to block the takeover of MAN Energy Solutions by a Chinese firm with ties to the military industry could potentially impact China's relations with Germany in terms of future cooperation in the economic sector.

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