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Behrens expresses optimism regarding a potential migration accord with the CDU.

Members of the Traffic Light Coalition, the Labor Union, and the regional authorities have explored the potential implications of the supposed assault in Solingen. The Minister of Interior from Lower Saxony expressed optimism regarding the meeting's outcome.

In the Berlin gathering, Daniela Behrens, serving as the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony within...
In the Berlin gathering, Daniela Behrens, serving as the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony within the SPD party, participated.

- Behrens expresses optimism regarding a potential migration accord with the CDU.

The Interior Minister of Lower Saxony, Daniela Behrens, is positive that the Traffic Light coalition, the Union, and the federal states will soon come to an accord on a plan to reduce unauthorized immigration. "I've seen a strong eagerness among all involved parties to collaborate towards substantial improvements in migration and internal security matters," Behrens commented after the initial discussions on Tuesday night. The gathering was initiated due to the suspected Islamist attack with three fatalities in Solingen.

She suggested that "it won't be long before we manage to agree upon a robust set of actions among the democratic forces in this nation, which we can then enforce lawfully and effectively in a prompt manner." Behrens emphasized, "The public has the right to expect us, as democrats, to concur on measures that absolutely need to be implemented in these trying times."

As per Behrens, representatives from the Traffic Light coalition, the Union, and the federal government and states will engage in further talks on migration policies the following week. The session was held under confidential terms.

The Union deems Ampel's statements inadequate

Prior to the meeting, Union delegates expressed their dissatisfaction with the Traffic Light coalition's statements from the previous week, the so-called security package. They emphasized the necessity of restricting unauthorized immigration.

The "security package" encompasses strategies in three domains: a more stringent stance on deporting rejected asylum seekers to their native lands, more decisive actions against Islamist terrorism, and tighter gun control regulations. The federal government introduced it as a response to the suspected Islamist attack in Solingen with three casualties.

The Traffic Light coalition, the Union, and the federal government are currently negotiating to reach an agreement on reducing unauthorized immigration, as stated by the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony. In light of this, it's crucial for the Federal government to collaborate effectively to implement necessary measures, given the public's expectations.

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