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Before the summer break: full program in the state parliament

It's the last session before the summer break. Berlin's MPs still have a lot to do. They have to elect new judges, vote on a ban on the Hamas triangle and discuss the financial situation.

The members of the Berlin House of Representatives meet on Thursday for the last plenary session...
The members of the Berlin House of Representatives meet on Thursday for the last plenary session before the summer break. (archive picture)

State parliament - Before the summer break: full program in the state parliament

Berlin's Representatives go into summer recess. Before that, there is a marathon session at the Land Parliament on Thursday (10 am) with around ten hours of debates and votes planned. This includes the election of six new judges at the Berlin Constitutional Court, which is considered long overdue.

In the current hour at the start of the plenary session, parliamentarians will discuss on the request of the Left Fraction the difficult financial situation of Berlin. The debate is titled "Budget Chaos 2.0: A Half Billion Census Gap and the Coalition without a Plan" on the proposal of the opposition party.

Berlin, according to census data, has significantly fewer inhabitants than assumed. As a result, the state receives significantly less money from the federal tax distribution system. The budget gaps will therefore be even larger.

Votes will also be taken on the urgent application of the CDU and SPD factions for the prohibition of the red triangle of the terrorist organization Hamas. There will also be debates, among other things, on the setting up of an Enquiry Commission against Antisemitism, Racism and Islamophobia and on a Heat Protection Plan for Berlin.

  1. During the summer break, various financial issues, including the budget gaps due to Berlin's underestimated population, will be a topic of discussion in society.
  2. In the House of Representatives, prior to the summer break, notable debates and votes are scheduled, such as the election of new judges and addressing anti-Semitism with an Enquiry Commission.
  3. As the State parliament concludes its sessions before the summer break, household budgets in Berlin may be impacted by the ongoing financial struggles and the funding shortage caused by the misCalculation of the city's population.
  4. Following the marathon session at the State parliament, the House of Representatives will also consider the urgent application for the prohibition of Hamas's symbol, the red triangle, during the summer recess in Berlin.

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