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Before the Republican Party convention, Biden and Trump disseminated messages of political moderation

After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, both the former US President and the incumbent President Joe Biden disseminated messages for calm in the heated election campaign. Trump announced, with gaze towards the Republican Party convention starting on Monday, that he would - contrary...

Donald Trump shortly after the assassination attempt on him
Donald Trump shortly after the assassination attempt on him

Before the Republican Party convention, Biden and Trump disseminated messages of political moderation

Trump told the tabloid "New York Post," he had originally prepared an "extremely harsh speech" about the "terrible government" of President Biden at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee. However, he discarded that text. He is unsure if it's possible to unite the country. The people in the USA are "very divided."

Trump and Biden spoke with each other on the phone after the attack. Biden called for calm in political confrontations during a TV address on Sunday evening (local time). "We all have a responsibility to do this," Biden said on Sunday (local time) in a speech in the Oval Office of the White House. The political debate in the USA is "very heated," it's necessary to "lower the temperature," Biden added. Politics should "never be a battlefield."

It was Biden's third speech in the Oval Office since taking office. In it, he also referred to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Supporters of Trump reacted to his electoral loss in the presidential election with this. "We can't let this violence become normal," Biden said. "Our convictions should never turn to violence."

Trump survived an assassination attempt by a mere hairbreadth at a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday (local time). The former president was shot and sustained a minor injury to the ear. In addition to the alleged shooter, a 50-year-old fireman and family man was killed, and two other men in the audience were severely injured.

Biden's short but powerful speech in the Oval Office was delivered without major hiccups. However, he mistakenly replaced the English word "ballot box," meaning ballot box, with "battle" twice in his speech. The 81-year-old incumbent has faced significant doubts about his mental and physical fitness since his disastrous TV debate performance against Trump last month.

Biden and Trump will face each other again in the presidential election on November 5. Some Republicans have accused the Democrats of having contributed to the shooting on Trump with extreme rhetoric.

Biden will have to retreat in the campaign first. The lagging president had recently tried to deflect criticism of his own shortcomings with sharp criticism of Trump.

The Republicans may spread the narrative of political persecution of Trump by Biden's government further during the campaign. The nominating convention also offers an opportunity for the right-wing populist to officially become the presidential candidate. Trump arrived at the event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Monday.

It is expected that Trump will announce his vice presidential candidate to thousands of supporters at the start of the four-day event on Monday. He is also expected to give a speech accepting his own candidacy on Tuesday. Around 50,000 visitors are expected to attend the convention.

Trump called on his supporters in his online service Truth Social on Sunday to remain "strong and determined" to prevent "evil from winning."

In the meantime, the responsible coordinator of the US Secret Service, Audrey Gibson-Cicchino, assured that her agency is "fully and completely prepared," to ensure security at the Republican Party convention. Following the attempted assassination of Trump, the agency responsible for protecting current and former US Presidents is under pressure. Among other things, they must answer questions regarding why the protector was able to climb onto a roof approximately 150 meters away from Trump's speaker podium and shoot from there.

According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), investigators have not yet identified an "ideology" behind the act. Media reports indicate that the alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was registered as a Republican voter, but had also donated to a politically affiliated organization leaning towards the Democrats. Former classmates of the 20-year-old described Crooks to US media as a quiet boy who was often bullied.

The weapon used, according to the FBI, was a legally purchased semi-automatic AR-556 rifle, which is believed to have been bought by Crooks' father. In the alleged shooter's car, investigators found explosive material.

  1. Despite discarding his harsh speech against President Biden, Trump still expressed his criticisms to the 'New York Post' on the Republican National Convention.
  2. The 'US-President' Biden urged calm in political confrontations in a TV address on Sunday evening, emphasizing the need to lower the temperature in the heated political debate in the United States of America.
  3. The incident in Pennsylvania, where Trump narrowly avoided a 'murder blow' during a campaign rally, added more tension to the already divided nation.
  4. Before Biden's Oval Office speech, there were concerns about his mental and physical fitness due to his disastrous performance in the TV debate against Trump.
  5. Despite facing criticism and doubts, Biden is set to face Trump again in the presidential election on November 5, with the Republican Party aiming to portray his government as persecuting Trump.
  6. In his speech, Biden mistakenly used 'battle' instead of 'ballot box' twice, signifying potential communication challenges during his campaign.
  7. The Republican Party Congress provides an opportunity for Trump to officially become the presidential candidate and spread the narrative of political persecution against him.
  8. Biden's campaign may face setbacks as he has been focusing on Trump's shortcomings instead of addressing his own.
  9. At the Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, Trump is expected to announce his Vice Presidential candidate and give a speech accepting his own candidacy, attracting thousands of supporters.
  10. The FBI is currently investigating the 'shooting' incident to identify any potential 'ideology' behind the act and answer questions about the shooter's access to the event.

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