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Beckstein: Involve local authorities in discussion about decisions

A round table, led by former Prime Minister Günther Beckstein, is to revise the referendum system. Above all, it wants to involve the local authorities.

Interview with Günther Beckstein in his living room before his 80th birthday.
Interview with Günther Beckstein in his living room before his 80th birthday.

Former Prime Minister - Beckstein: Involve local authorities in discussion about decisions

In the discussion about further development of citizen initiatives in Bavaria, according to the former CSU Minister-President Guenther Beckstein, the municipal peak associations should be involved above all. "And some parties or organizations not represented in parliament – I think of 'More Democracy' – should also be there," Beckstein told the "Passauer Neue Presse" (Thursday). On the other hand, one must pay attention to ensuring that a round table is not made and not a parliament-sized event, he added.

Minister-President Markus Soeder (CSU) had recently announced in his government declaration on bureaucracy reduction that he would call for a round table under Beckstein's leadership to further develop the system of citizen initiatives. From Soeder's perspective, this instrument is often used as a blockade today. Therefore, one must again find the right balance between the common good and individual interests. There is a need for discussion, change, and improvement, Soeder said.

Vice-Minister-President and Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger criticized this, stating that his party should be consulted first and foremost by Soeder and that they would not simply accept proposals. Therefore, they demanded a vote within the coalition for a round table under Beckstein's (CSU) leadership.

In response to Aiwanger's criticism, Beckstein said, "I understand that fully. However, it's not the case that Markus Soeder now knows exactly what he wants, and all parties involved should just agree." Soeder is setting up a round table to generate proposals. "And that in a weighing process that should itself have as high a degree of immediate democracy as possible. That's how I see it, which is why I have also declared myself ready to moderate the round table."

Beckstein announced that the first results of the discussion should be available by Christmas this year. "I would also like to start before the summer break begins."

  1. Guenther Beckstein, former CSU Minister-President, suggests involving the municipal peak associations and organizations like 'More Democracy' in the discourse about enhancing citizen initiatives in Bavaria.
  2. In response to Markus Söder's (CSU) initiative to form a round table under Beckstein's leadership for improving the citizen initiatives system, Hubert Aiwanger, leader of the Free Voters, demands a coalition vote.
  3. Beckstein acknowledges Aiwanger's criticism, stating that Soeder isn't setting up the roundtable with predetermined solutions, but rather to generate proposals through a democratic process.
  4. Markus Söder's intention is to establish a roundtable with a high degree of immediate democracy to find a balance between the common good and individual interests in the context of citizen initiatives.
  5. The first results of the roundtable discussions on citizen initiatives improvement are expected to be available by Christmas this year, according to Guenther Beckstein, with the goal of starting discussions before the summer break.
  6. The Passauer Neue Presse reported on Beckstein's suggestions, emphasizing the need for more democracy in the discussion regarding citizen initiatives, including the potential involvement of parties and organizations like 'More Democracy'.

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