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Because of a driving dispute: Man smashes car windshield

A dispute between two drivers escalated on Wednesday in Bremerhaven. A 29-year-old driver smashed the side window of another driver's car when they both stopped at a red light, police said on Thursday. The 20-year-old driver of the damaged car was reportedly slightly injured by shattered glass.

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Bremerhaven - Because of a driving dispute: Man smashes car windshield

A dispute between two drivers escalated on Wednesday in Bremerhaven. A 29-year-old driver smashed the side window of another driver's car when they both stopped at a red light, police said on Thursday. The 20-year-old driver of the damaged car was reportedly slightly injured by shattered glass.

The 20-year-old later told the officers that the other driver had followed him very closely. At the traffic lights, he then tried to speak to him through the open window. The other man then got out of the car and smashed the closed window before driving on. Police officers met the 29-year-old a short time later at his home. He stated that the 20-year-old had previously insulted him at the traffic lights.

A criminal complaint was issued against the 29-year-old for negligent bodily harm and damage to property. The younger man was also charged with suspected insulting behavior.

Police report

Read also:

  1. In response to the incident in Bremerhaven, authorities in Lower Saxony are encouraging drivers to maintain a safe distance and adopt a calm driving style to avoid traffic-related conflicts.
  2. The incident in Bremerhaven highlights the potential for minor road disagreements to escalate into criminality, underscoring the importance of behaving respectfully towards other drivers.
  3. During the investigation, police in Bremerhaven reviewed footage from several car windshield-mounted dashboard cameras, which helped to clarify the sequence of events leading up to the car window smashing.
  4. After learning about the Bremerhaven incident, a local traffic safety organization launched a campaign advising drivers to drive responsibly and to report any instances of aggressive or dangerous driving behavior to the police.


