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BDI Head, Russwurm, labels AfD as a "potential danger to Germany's security."

German industrial boss warns of risks to businesses due to AfD presence. Siegfried Russwurm, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), expressed concerns about the AfD, stating it poses a threat to the country. In the Friday edition of Handelsblatt, he stressed that global...

Siegfried Russwurm
Siegfried Russwurm

BDI Head, Russwurm, labels AfD as a "potential danger to Germany's security."

Person A argues against calling AfD politicians like co-party chairwoman Alice Weidel "Nazis," as SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil did. Thyssenkrupp's supervisory board chairman believes the courts should decide. Nevertheless, he asserts that AfD clearly supports right-wing extremist ideologies.

Some Constitutional Protection Offices have classified AfD as a consistently right-wing extremist group. The entire party is being monitored by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution due to suspected right-wing extremism.

In the European election on June 9, AfD secured its best result yet, earning 15.9% nationwide. With state elections in Saxony and Thuringia approaching in about two and a half months, AfD is leading the polls in both states, with 30% and 28% approval respectively, slightly ahead of the CDU.

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