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Bayaz urges the Greens to adopt a self-reflective stance.

After the major setbacks experienced by the Greens in the European elections, Baden-Württemberg's Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz is urging his party to thoroughly examine their performance and rebuild trust among voters. He emphasized in a Sunday night post on Platform X that "true success can...

Danyal Bayaz (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister of Finance of Baden-Württemberg, speaks at the...
Danyal Bayaz (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister of Finance of Baden-Württemberg, speaks at the state press conference in the state parliament.

Upcoming European elections - Bayaz urges the Greens to adopt a self-reflective stance.

The Green Party felt dissatisfied with the election outcome, so they had to find a way to regain their image as a realistic and trustworthy force for governing. Bayaz commented, "We need to use this election as a chance to thoroughly and critically review the results and learn from them."

Based on estimates by ARD and ZDF, the Greens have dropped to fourth place, garnering around 12-12.4% of the votes.

Data on the European election results from the Interior Ministry Results dashboard of the Statistical State Office in Baden-Württemberg Tweet by Bayaz discussing the election's results

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