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Bavaria's flood crisis approaching conclusion

Devastating flooding in Bavaria leaves four dead, one missing, and billions in damage as the crisis finally starts to subside, with the cleanup process ongoing.

A bicycle lies in the floodwater of the Danube.
A bicycle lies in the floodwater of the Danube.

Severe Weather Alert: Brace Yourself for a Storm Ahead - Bavaria's flood crisis approaching conclusion

The flood situation in Bavaria is nearing its end after more than two weeks. The flood information service (HND) of the Free State confirmed on Wednesday that the floodwaters will soon drop below warning levels. Although the Altmühl, Amper, Starnberger See, and Ammersee are expected to exceed their lowest warning levels for a few more days, there's no rain predicted in the coming days, indicating the end of the flood situation.

Wednesday marked the end of disaster alerts for the last municipality in Bavaria, the Swabian district of Donau-Ries. The clean-up process is ongoing in many regions that experienced flooding. Cellars are being drained, and the complete extent of damage is still being evaluated. The number of deaths in Bavaria was still at four on Wednesday, with one firefighter aged 22 still missing.

The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior reported that around 84,000 helpers participated in the disaster response since the flooding started. Additionally, approximately 7,000 evacuations were required due to the floods. The German insurers provide an early estimate that the flood damage in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg will total roughly two billion euros. As of now, it's challenging to establish the total cost of destruction caused by the floods in the Free State.

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