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Bavarian SPD and Greens Offer Help to Flood-Hit Residents

In Bavaria, the flood situation stays critical and assessing the damages is difficult. The SPD and Greens in the region urge quick financial assistance, even suggesting an initial figure.

Helpers clean a street in the town center.
Helpers clean a street in the town center.

Inundation - Bavarian SPD and Greens Offer Help to Flood-Hit Residents

The SPD and Greens in the Bavarian state legislature are requesting financial aid for those impacted by the recent floods in the state. SPD faction leader Florian von Brunn stated on Monday, "We can makes these decisions together during the budget talks in the Landtag this week." If the complete damage assessment becomes clear in a few days, additional assistance can be discussed. Von Brunn did not disclose specific amounts on Monday.

Greens faction leader Katharina Schulze urged for an emergency relief program of at least 100 million euros for private citizens, businesses, and municipalities. The funds should be drawn from existing reserves. "The Bavarian government must show it can move swiftly and bureaucratically," said Schulze on Monday. "This won't be enough, but it will help ease the immediate crisis!"

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