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Bavarian Retail Industry's Joint Compensation Agreement

Following a year of negotiations and labor strikes in the Bavarian retail industry, the union Verdi and the employers came to terms on a new collective deal on Tuesday. They endorsed the model contract finalized in Hamburg last May.

A man scans groceries at a self-service checkout in the Edeka supermarket in Kassel.
A man scans groceries at a self-service checkout in the Edeka supermarket in Kassel.

Labor organizations - Bavarian Retail Industry's Joint Compensation Agreement

Based on Verdi and the Handelsverband Bayern (HBE), paychecks are set to rise by 5.3% starting October 2023, accompanied by another 4.7% raise in May 2024. In the third year, wages will be up by 1.8%, also including a fixed additional payment of 40 euros. Furthermore, employees are to receive a 1000-euro net inflation-related bonus. The annual pension scheme for employees will grow from 300 to 420 euros. The tariff negotiation will remain in play for 36 months, ending in April 2026.

HBE mentions that there are approximately 58,000 retail establishments in Bavaria with a workforce of 320,000 people generating about 71 billion euros in total sales annually.

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