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Bavarian interior minister states lack of terror-related threats during Europe Championship.

Bavaria intends to maintain safety during the European Championships via a multitude of emergency response teams. No specific risks are anticipated. Advanced tech equipment is on alert to address any misbehavior from aerial perspectives.

A specially trained police officer performs a controlled landing of a drone using a drone jammer.
A specially trained police officer performs a controlled landing of a drone using a drone jammer.

Prior to the kick-off of the European Football Championship in Munich, officials in Bavaria believe there will be no security threats. According to Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, there are currently no tangible signs of safety issues for the six matches scheduled to take place in the state capital. Herrmann emphasized that police and domestic intelligence in the region are deeply connected with the security agencies of the federal government and the other states.

Herrmann is counting on a substantial law enforcement presence to maintain order and promote a smooth experience for the games and associated activities. Approximately 2,000 policewomen and policemen will be stationed in Munich for the six games taking place around the city. They will be joined by officers from Denmark, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, and Ukraine - the nations whose squads will compete in the group stage in Munich. The UEFA oversees security and order within the stadium.

Enhanced aerial monitoring and rigorous border checks

At the Munich Allianz Arena, Interior Minister Herrmann underlined the heightened surveillance of the airspace through efficient drone countermeasures. A police officer displayed a shoulder-mounted device (jammer) that resembled a shoulder-fired missile, offering a glimpse of how drones in the sky could be intercepted and gently directed toward the ground. A Greenpeace activist leveraged a paraglider to enter the arena prior to the first match in Munich during the 2021 European Championship.

As part of Germany's preparations for the EM, Bavaria will enact elevated border controls at the Austrian and Czech Republic borders. "Naturally, we will also continue the thorough monitoring of veil smuggling in the entire border area," stated the Interior Minister. "Our foremost concern is the possible entry of football hooligans or rebellious elements from beyond our borders."

Press Release, Interior Ministry

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