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Bavarian Hospitality Sector Anticipates Cancellation Surge Post-Floods

Dehoga, the trade group, shares news of cancellations, including some places unaffected, and urges individuals to gather specific details.

The entrance to a hotel.
The entrance to a hotel.

Travel and Recreation: Exploring the Possibilities of Tourism - Bavarian Hospitality Sector Anticipates Cancellation Surge Post-Floods

The German hospitality industry in Bavaria is worried about a surge in cancellations just before the start of summer vacations as a result of the flood. Thomas Geppert, the managing director of Dehoga, a trade association, says, "We're increasingly hearing reports that several businesses, even those not directly affected by the flooding, are experiencing canceled bookings." He adds, "The flood in Saarland demonstrated that cancellations can come rapidly after the flood."

Geppert believes the media's reporting on the flood is causing cancellations. "Major parts of Bavaria were not hit by the flood," he insists. "However, this often isn't made clear." He reiterates, "Our tourist offerings' variety and quality remain intact, and we're excited to host our visitors." Geppert encourages all apprehensive travelers to seek information directly from the local hosts on the situation in their respective regions.

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