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Bavarian cities plan firework ban zones for New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve this year, there will once again be plenty of fireworks. In city centers, where many people come together, this also poses a danger. Some local authorities therefore rely on local bans. But for some organizations, this does not go far enough.

A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.
A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician.

Turn of the year - Bavarian cities plan firework ban zones for New Year's Eve

As in the past, fireworks will be banned in a number of places in Bavaria at the end of 2023. In the state capital, fireworks may not be set off in the entire pedestrian zone from Marienplatz at the town hall to Stachus, nor at Viktualienmarkt. The ban is based on a danger forecast by the police headquarters and applies from 9 p.m. on New Year's Eve until 2 a.m. on New Year's Day, the city reported. "As in previous years, Munich is also focusing on protecting people, animals and the environment from fireworks at the coming New Year."

At the Viktualienmarkt, the ban is intended in particular to prevent fires at the market stalls, while in the city center it is about the safety of revelers. In addition, there is also a ban on firecrackers in the environmental zone of the Mittlerer Ring in Munich. However, this only applies to firecrackers, other fireworks such as fountains are permitted. "Anyone who does not comply with the bans must expect a fine," warns the administration.

Palaces and castles should be protected from fire

No rockets may be set off around state palaces and castles throughout the Free State on December 31 and January 1. There is an increased risk of fire, emphasized the palace administration. "Rockets, firecrackers and flying sparks pose a considerable risk to historic buildings."

The city of Augsburg has had a general ban on fireworks in the city center for several years. It is not only the setting off of firecrackers and rockets that is prohibited: "Anyone out and about in the city centre is also not allowed to carry any pyrotechnic objects," emphasizes the city. Glass bottles and cans are also not permitted on New Year's Eve.

Police and security service on duty

In Regensburg, the historic Stone Bridge over the Danube will once again be closed to all vehicles and pedestrians this year. In addition, fireworks are banned throughout the old town. Even in the Upper Palatinate World Heritage City, firecrackers and rockets are prohibited.

In Nuremberg, there is a strict ban around the castle. A security service will also check bags there on New Year's Eve to ensure that no fireworks are taken away. In other areas of the Old Town, it is not forbidden to carry pyrotechnics, but their use is prohibited. "Signs mark all prohibited areas and the police check them," emphasizes the city administration.

The environment and animals suffer from fireworks

Animal rights activists in particular have been appealing to all revelers for many years to generally refrain from using pyrotechnics on New Year's Eve. This is because many pets even have to be sedated with medication because otherwise they panic. Wild animals also suffer from the spectacle. "For many people, fireworks on New Year's Eve are fun, but for animals they are often stressful," emphasizes the German Animal Welfare Association.

Deutsche Umwelthilfe is calling on the German government to "permanently end the private purchase and use of pyrotechnics on New Year's Eve". The firecrackers and rockets are not only dangerous, they also cause environmental pollution. "On 1 January, the air in many places is polluted with particulate matter levels that significantly exceed the limits recommended by the World Health Organization," it says in a letter to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD).

Umwelthilfe also points out that wildlife is particularly badly affected because the four-legged friends are unable to classify the banging noises. "For pets, wild animals and so-called farm animals, firecrackers mean stress, panic and often fear of death." More than 180,000 people have now signed the open letter online. Umwelthilfe is aiming for the support of 300,000 people.

City of Munich on firecracker ban zones Information from the City of Augsburg Palace Administration on fireworks ban Information from the City of Regensburg City of Nuremberg on fireworks ban Animal Welfare Association on fireworks Open letter from Deutsche Umwelthilfe

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