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Bavaria vacation start - heavy traffic even on Sundays

One of the strongest weekends of the season is nearing an end. Travelers still need to show patience on Bavarian roads. The ADAC expects traffic jams.

One of the strongest weekends is drawing to a close. Travelers still need patience on Sunday.
One of the strongest weekends is drawing to a close. Travelers still need patience on Sunday.

tourism - Bavaria vacation start - heavy traffic even on Sundays

Heavy Traffic and Jams: Travelers and vacationers need a lot of patience on the roads in Bavaria even on Sundays. With the school holidays starting in the free state, all federal states have holidays for a short time - leading to jams on notorious stretches in the federal state.

Already on Fridays and Saturdays, there were traffic jams in many places. For Sunday, the ADAC expected similar traffic. In the morning, there was already a traffic jam on the A8 between the interchanges Aibling and Rohrdorf, which was eight kilometers long. The traffic also jammed on other sections of the A8. Some other jams put drivers to the test elsewhere: for example, on the A99 in Munich and on the A7 at the Austrian border in Füssen.

Due to bad weather, trees and branches fell on the roads in Lower Bavaria and the Oberpfalz during the night, as the police presidencies reported. In the morning, most of the blockages had been cleared. Motorists could be on the move again during the day. The German Weather Service forecasted more sunny weather after a rainy start. The highest temperatures are up to 28 degrees.

  1. Planning a trip to Bavaria during the vacation start period might require considering alternative routes to avoid the notorious traffic jams in Munich, especially on Sundays, as predicted by ADAC.
  2. Despite the heavy traffic and jams on Germany's Autobahns, such as the A8 and A99, the tourist traffic in Munich continues to attract visitors seeking experiences in the rich automobile industry and tourism sector of the region.
  3. If you prefer a less stressful journey, consider using public transportation for your trip to Munich, such as the train, which can provide a scenic view of the beautiful landscapes in Bavaria.
  4. For travelers looking forward to their vacations, it is essential to check the latest traffic updates, even on Sundays, to avoid any unexpected delays on the A8 or other Federal highways during their visit to Bavaria.
  5. Consider extending your journey beyond Munich to explore the Bavarian Alps or other scenic places in Bavaria, as the tourist traffic might be less congested in those areas compared to the city, offering a more enjoyable vacation in the picturesque region of southern Germany.

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