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BASF appoints new CEO

Losing candidate leaves

The next CEO Kamieth has worked at BASF for almost a quarter of a
The next CEO Kamieth has worked at BASF for almost a quarter of a

BASF appoints new CEO

The world's largest chemical company is reorganizing its top management. At the end of April, CEO Brudermüller hands over the helm to the current Head of Asia. A member of the Board of Executive Directors who was also considered a candidate for the top job is not extending her contract.

Markus Kamieth, the member of the Board of Executive Directors responsible for BASF's Asian business, will be at the helm of the world's largest chemical company in the future. Kamieth will replace the current Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors Martin Brudermüller at the end of April, BASF announced. The 53-year-old was considered the favorite for the post alongside Melanie Maas-Brunner, Head of Technology. The doctor of chemistry has been working for BASF since 1999, after less than two years he became a member of the Board of Executive Directors and has been a member of the Board of Executive Directors himself since 2017.

The 62-year-old Brudermüller has been CEO since 2018. He will leave BASF at the end of the Annual General Meeting on April 25. Brudermüller will then lead the Mercedes-Benz Supervisory Board. With the appointment of Kamieth, Maas-Brunner loses out. The 55-year-old former Chief Technology Officer and Labor Director is leaving the DAX-listed company at the end of her contract, which runs until the end of January.

She will be succeeded as Chief Human Resources Officer by Katja Scharpwinkel, currently Head of the Europe, Middle East, Africa region. The Supervisory Board appointed her to the Group Management Board as of February 1. Anup Kothari, currently Head of the Nutrition & Health Division, will also become Group Executive Board member on March 1.

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Dax companies like BASF are constantly evaluating their leadership structures. Despite being considered a strong contender for the role, Melanie Maas-Brunner, the Head of Technology at BASF, is not renewing her contract. In the chemical industry, companies such as Dax companies often look towards experienced executives like Markus Kamieth, the new CEO of BASF, to lead their operations.




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