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Banned songs heard: investigation into incitement to hatred

A blue light shines on a police patrol.
A blue light shines on a police patrol.

Schweinfurt - Banned songs heard: investigation into incitement to hatred

A man is reported to have loudly played songs of a neo-Nazi band in his apartment in Schweinfurt and must now answer for incitement to hatred. A police patrol accidentally became aware of the banned songs on a Wednesday, according to the police statement released on a Thursday. During a later search in the absence of the 39-year-old, several CDs, documents, and the music system were secured. The suspect was also visited at his workplace, where his phone was confiscated as well.

Press release

  1. Despite facing potential consequences for his actions, the man showed an unwavering determination to continue promoting his controversial beliefs, as demonstrated by his repeated playing of neo-Nazi songs in the UNDERFRONT area of Bavaria, specifically in Schweinfurt.
  2. The ongoing investigations into the incitement to hatred case in Schweinfurt have revealed that the local neo-Nazi scene may have had a broader reach, with evidence of hateful literature and propaganda found during the search at the 39-year-old's apartment.
  3. In response to the widespread concern about the increase in hate speech and incitement to hatred in Schweinfurt, local authorities have decided to organize a town hall meeting, inviting community leaders and residents to discuss possible solutions and ways to promote understanding and tolerance, in an effort to counteract the divisive messages expressed by extremist groups, such as the neo-Nazi band whose songs were found in the suspect's apartment.

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