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Ban on unannounced gatherings extended again

In Hamburg, unregistered gatherings in support of Hamas or its attacks on Israel that have not been confirmed by the assembly authorities remain banned. A general order in force since mid-October has been extended again, initially up to and including next Sunday (December 10), as the police...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Demonstrations - Ban on unannounced gatherings extended again

In Hamburg, unregistered gatherings in support of Hamas or its attacks on Israel that have not been confirmed by the assembly authorities remain banned. A general order in force since mid-October has been extended again, initially up to and including next Sunday (December 10), as the police announced on Wednesday. Regularly registered open-air gatherings will continue to be intensively examined and confirmed by the assembly authorities, provided there are no reasons for a ban, it said.

General order PM of the police on the extension

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