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"BamS": Deutsche Bahn more unpunctual in November than it has been for eight years

According to a newspaper report, Deutsche Bahn was recently more unpunctual than it has been for eight years. In November, almost every second train on Deutsche Bahn's long-distance services was late, reports Bild am Sonntag. A DB spokesperson said: "In November, 52 percent of ICE and IC trains...

Deutsche Bahn is struggling with
Deutsche Bahn is struggling with

"BamS": Deutsche Bahn more unpunctual in November than it has been for eight years

"Due to the massive refurbishment backlog, DB has had to significantly increase the construction volume in the current year," the Group spokesperson added, according to BamS.

According to the company, the reason for the worst punctuality figures for long-distance rail services in eight years is primarily the "short-term construction activity", which has increased significantly year-on-year. In November 2023, the number of construction sites had increased by eleven percent compared to the previous year. According to the report, punctuality fell by nine percentage points compared to November 2022.

In January 2023, 73.2 percent of trains were still on time, but by the middle of the year, the figure had fallen to 63.5 percent before reaching its current low in November. "The punctuality does not meet our own standards and also does not do justice to the services that our passengers rightly expect from us," "BamS" quoted the Deutsche Bahn spokesperson as saying.

This weekend, the weather also contributed to problems in rail traffic. Munich Central Station was closed on Saturday due to heavy snowfall and long-distance services in the greater Munich area were suspended.

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