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View of a bald
View of a bald

Bald eagle escaped from Sababurg Zoo

A bald eagle has disappeared from the Sababurg zoo in Hofgeismar in northern Hesse (Kassel district). The bird of prey soared very high during an air show a week ago and then did not return, the zoo announced on Tuesday. "This time, the bald eagle Medusa was obviously too excited about the wind and the good thermals, so it got carried away and took a longer flight than usual."

The animals usually return after such expeditions after around 15 to 30 minutes - sometimes very suddenly from a great height due to their good eyesight. "As a rule, the birds of prey are impressed by the long, intensive contact with the falconer and the food reward at the location of the bird of prey station and return reliably."

Medusa, however, remains missing. It is now hoped that attentive people will discover him. In this case, the Sababurg Zoo should be informed immediately and the animal should not be let out of sight until the falconer arrives, it was said.


