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Bahn will thousands of jobs cut

The railway continues to incur high losses and must save. In the next five years, the workforce therefore needs to decrease by approximately 30,000 full-time positions.

The German Railways had an economically difficult first half (archive photo).
The German Railways had an economically difficult first half (archive photo).

Half-yearly balance - Bahn will thousands of jobs cut

The German Railways must save money after another billion-dollar loss and therefore plans to cut thousands of jobs mainly in administration. "We want to reduce the personnel requirement by approximately 30,000 full-time employees in the next five years", said Financial Chief Levin Holle during the presentation of the Half-Yearly Financial Report.

"The total amount of personnel reduction corresponds to approximately the natural fluctuation of two years", it was stated. Reportedly, 1500 jobs in administration will fall this year.

"We have to create more trains with fewer people in the future", emphasized Holle. Especially through digitalization and automation, administrative processes should be able to be carried out in the future by fewer employees.

The proposed job cuts by German Railways aim to save money, particularly in administration, following two consecutive billion-dollar losses. The semiannual balance presentation revealed a plan to reduce the workforce by approximately 30,000 full-time employees over the next five years, with Hesse and Berlin expected to be significantly affected. The traffic department may also experience changes as Holle mentioned the need for more trains operated with fewer personnel.

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