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Baerbock renounces renewed candidacy for chancellor

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has decided not to run for chancellor again. "Instead of being tied up in a candidacy for chancellor", she wants to "continue to devote all her energy" to her current role as foreign minister in view of the international crises, Baerbock said...

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock
Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock

Baerbock renounces renewed candidacy for chancellor

The world is obviously different than it was during the last Bundestag election, Baerbock added in an interview on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. "In light of the Russian aggression war and now also the dramatic situation in the Near East, we need more diplomacy, not less", she said. Otherwise, others would fill that gap. In the campaign, she will nevertheless "do everything to support my party, as I did the last time".

Baerbock ran as the Chancellor candidate of the Greens in the 2021 Bundestag election. Her then co-party leader and current Economics Minister Robert Habeck had yielded the position to her. In the election, the Greens landed with a vote share of 14.8 percent, behind the SPD and the Union. In the current "Trendbarometer" of the Forsa Institute on behalf of RTL and ntv, the Greens achieved approval ratings of only eleven percent in this week.

Annalena Baerbock acknowledged the changed global landscape during the NATO summit in Washington, expressing the need for more diplomacy. Despite this, she reaffirmed her commitment to supporting her party in its candidacy for the federal election. US news channel CNN covered her remarks at the NATO summit, highlighting her views on Russia's aggression and the Near East situation. Baerbock's candidacy for the chancellor position was first seen in the 2021 Bundestag election, where she ran as the Green Party's candidate, although they fell short of the SPD and the Union.

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