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Baerbock: Debating migration policy is unproductive

Germany's shocked response to the violent incident in Mannheim revives discussions around immigration, cautions the Foreign Minister.

Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens), Foreign Minister, during a press conference.
Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens), Foreign Minister, during a press conference.

Following the incident in Mannheim, - Baerbock: Debating migration policy is unproductive

The German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, cautioned against using the recent deadly knife attack in Mannheim for a discussion on a more stringent migration policy. She stated that this would be "completely counterproductive." Baerbock is a Green politician and expressed her sentiment during a gathering at the "Staendehaus-Treff" of the "Rheinische Post" in Dusseldorf on Monday evening.

"If extremists - be they right-wing extremists or Islamists - aim to separate free societies, we as a society must answer as one. These discussions of separation are inappropriate," she emphasized.

Baerbock revealed that the knife attack strongly affected her and urged the necessity of showing unity as a society against those who aim to destroy democracy with hatred, hate speech, violence, and murderous intentions.

On the previous Friday, a 25-year-old with Afghan citizenship had carried out a violent attack on several individuals at a gathering of the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa (BPE) in the city center of Mannheim. A police officer was severely injured with stab wounds and later passed away in the hospital.

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Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister, expressed her views on migration policy during a meeting in Düsseldorf, stating that debating it following a crime is unproductive. The incident in question occurred in Mannheim, where a 25-year-old with Afghan citizenship carried out a violent attack against the Islam-critical movement Pax Europa (BPE). Baerbock, a Green politician, emphasized that discussions of separation are inappropriate in response to extremism, which aims to divide free societies. The knife attack strongly affected Baerbock, who urged unity against those who threaten democracy with hate speech, violence, and murderous intentions. The Rheinische Post, a German newspaper, hosted the gathering in Düsseldorf's Staendehaus-Treff.

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