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Baerbock criticizes demand for outsourcing asylum procedures in Rwanda

During her visit to Rwanda, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) rejected calls for asylum procedures to be outsourced from Europe. Baerbock said in Kigali on Monday that she was "somewhat surprised" that "conservative politicians in particular" were calling for the Rwanda model...

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Baerbock criticizes demand for outsourcing asylum procedures in Rwanda

These are "theoretical discussions" that distract from the real task - the implementation of a common European asylum policy, criticized Baerbock. The debate about the Rwanda model is being driven forward in Germany by those who "obviously do not want to find solutions in reality and practice".

Following the meeting with Baerbock, Rwandan Foreign Minister Vincent Biruta expressed his openness to extending asylum cooperation, which has so far been limited to the UK, to other countries. When asked whether Rwanda would also be prepared to cooperate with Germany in this way, Biruta said: "Rwanda is ready to work with any partner to solve the global migration crisis."

Rwanda recently concluded a controversial agreement with the UK: In order to deter migrants, the British government wants to send irregular arrivals to the African country in future without examining their asylum application. A return to the UK is not planned. Rwanda is to be paid for taking them in. However, no transfer to Rwanda has yet taken place due to judicial intervention. Critics see a violation of international law.

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