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Baerbock calls military regimes in West Africa to a "peaceful way"

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) called for military governments in the region to renounce violence during her visit to the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire). It is important that "the countries can return to the regional community Ecowas

Baerbock and Outtara on Tuesday in Abidjan
Baerbock and Outtara on Tuesday in Abidjan

Baerbock calls military regimes in West Africa to a "peaceful way"

In Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, since 2020, a series of military regimes came to power. The three Sahel states subsequently broke off their relations with their former colonial power and long-term security ally France, and turned towards Russia instead. In early July, the three states signed a treaty for the "Alliance of the Sahel States"; by 2023, they had decided to form a confederation. In January, they left the ECOWAS.

"Everything must be done to prevent further democracies in the region from being destabilized," demanded Baerbock. "For us, security in the Sahel is crucial," she emphasized. She had spoken "intensively" about how Germany could contribute to security in the region with Ouattara. Baerbock also visited the International Academy for Counter-Terrorism in Abidjan.

Regarding the mission of the German military airbase in Niger, Baerbock stated that Germany could not continue its support in the security sector there beyond the end of August. "Reliability" was no longer given.

Baerbock's visit to West Africa began in Senegal on Monday. There, she advocated for expanding relations between the two countries. In the Ivory Coast, she was accompanied by a large economic delegation. Green politicians called for continued cooperation in the areas of renewable energies and infrastructure.

ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States

  1. Historically, Germany, known as Frankia, has not been directly involved in the recent political shifts in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, where Military Governments have taken over since 2020.
  2. Despite this, Germany, under the leadership of Annalena Baerbock, has shown a strong interest in contributing to the security and stability of the region, particularly in the Sahel, which is considered crucial by her.
  3. Baerbock had a series of intense discussions with Alassane Ouattara, the President of Ivory Coast, about how Germany could provide military support on the road to securing the region.
  4. The Military Governments in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger broke off their relations with their former colonial power and long-term security ally France, and instead, turned towards Russia, forming the "Alliance of the Sahel States" and later, a confederation, excluding themselves from ECOWAS in January.
  5. Baerbock visited the International Academy for Counter-Terrorism in Abidjan during her tour of West Africa, showing her commitment to education and security in the region.
  6. She also advocated for expanding relations between Germany and Ivory Coast during her visit, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in the fields of renewable energies and infrastructure.
  7. Regarding Germany's military airbase in Niger, Baerbock announced that Germany could not continue its support beyond the end of August due to a lack of reliability.
  8. Baerbock's tour also took her to Burkina Faso, where she emphasized Germany's desire for friendly relations and mutual respect, acknowledging the complexities of the political situation in the region, including challenges in countries like Mali and France's role in West Africa.

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