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Bad Oeynhausen: So far no indication of further suspects

The investigation into the fatal attack on a 20-year-old from Bad Oeynhausen continues. Politicians at federal and state level in NRW are dealing with the attack. The suspect remains silent.

The case also becomes an issue in the Budnestag and the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament.  ...
The case also becomes an issue in the Budnestag and the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament.

Deadly attack - Bad Oeynhausen: So far no indication of further suspects

Two weeks after the fatal attack on a young man in Bad Oeynhausen, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, the investigation against a 18-year-old continues. The suspect, who is in custody for manslaughter and grievous bodily harm, remains silent about the accusations, according to a spokesperson for the Bielefeld Public Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday. Extensive investigations are being carried out to determine who was with the accused during the night of the crime and "what others may have done."

No evidence of involvement by others in the victim's death

However, there is currently no evidence that anyone else, apart from the accused Syrian, is suspected of having influenced the later deceased victim, the spokesperson reported. The accused is said to have attacked the 20-year-old man unexpectedly in the night of June 23, struck him on the head, and stamped on him. The young man died a few days later. According to the investigators, the accused had previously come to the attention of the authorities due to violent, property, and drug-related offenses, but had not been convicted before. Motive and triggers for the violence are still unclear. The rumor of a video of the crime is unfounded, according to the prosecutor.

The Bundestag to discuss "Violent Offenders from Parallel Societies"

The Bundestag was to address the topic "Violent Offenders from Parallel Societies – Causes and Consequences of the Bad Oeynhausen Crime" in an plenary session on Wednesday. The CDU/CSU faction had initiated the debate. In the Düsseldorf state parliament, a plenary session on this complex issue is planned for the coming Friday. The FDP had submitted the motion "Deadly Violence in Bad Oeynhausen - What Measures does the North Rhine-Westphalia State Government take to improve the security situation?"

The accused Syrian, according to investigators, came to Germany in 2016 as part of a family reunion with parents and siblings, initially living in Pforzheim and moving to Bad Oeynhausen in October 2023.

The crime took place in North Rhine-Westphalia, specifically in the city of Bad Oeynhausen, East Westphalia-Lippe.The suspect, a Syrian man, is currently under investigation for bodily injury resulting in death and grievous bodily harm at the Bielefeld Public Prosecutor's Office.Despite extensive investigations, no other individuals have been found to be involved in the victim's death, as reported by the spokesperson from the public prosecutor's office.The accused has a history of violent, property, and drug-related offenses, but had not been convicted before the incident in Bad Oeynhausen.

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