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Backhaus speaks of breakthrough in wolf culls

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment and Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) has described the new possibilities for wolf shooting as a "breakthrough". Shootings will be possible more quickly in future, he explained following a decision by the Conference of Environment Ministers in...

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment and Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus at
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment and Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus at the Conference of Environment Ministers.

Conference of Environment Ministers - Backhaus speaks of breakthrough in wolf culls

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment and Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) has described the new possibilities for wolf culls as a "breakthrough". Shootings will be possible more quickly in future, he explained following a decision by the Conference of Environment Ministers in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, on Friday. "I have been working on this issue for over 15 years and today we have cut the Gordian knot." The agreement is a good compromise between species protection and livestock farming.

In future, it will be possible to quickly shoot wolves causing damage in areas with an increased number of livestock kills. Genetic analysis is not required before a shooting permit is issued.

"I have already agreed with my colleagues in the federal states that we will now agree on a standardized procedure as soon as possible," said Backhaus. This includes the states having to define areas with an increased number of cracks. There are currently 19 wolf packs in MV alone. Faster wolf culling should be possible as early as the start of the 2024 grazing season.

Grazing livestock farmers have been calling for more vigorous action against the predator for some time. This year, 48 attacks by wolves on livestock were recorded in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern up to the beginning of September. A total of 168 animals were killed and 23 injured.

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