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Backhaus sees alternative ways to save money

Following the massive protests against the federal government's plans to end tax breaks for farmers, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus has put forward alternative savings proposals. On Tuesday in Schwerin, the SPD politician brought the abolition of the company...

Till Backhaus (SPD), Minister for Climate Protection, Agriculture and the Environment
Till Backhaus (SPD), Minister for Climate Protection, Agriculture and the Environment in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in Münster.

Farmer protests - Backhaus sees alternative ways to save money

Following the massive protests against the federal government's plans to end tax breaks for farmers, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Agriculture Minister Till Backhaus has put forward alternative savings proposals. On Tuesday in Schwerin, the SPD politician brought the abolition of the company car privilege for hybrid vehicles into play. According to him, this could save 1.2 billion euros and thus maintain the benefits for farmers.

"The federal government has to save 17 billion euros. One billion is to come from agriculture alone. That is excessive and unfair. It is not for nothing that frustration was unleashed in Berlin on Monday," said Backhaus. The austerity program agreed by the Berlin coalition with the traffic light system would noticeably reduce the income of agricultural businesses. Added to this are increased expenses for energy, fertilizer and fuel. Agricultural businesses in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania alone were expecting a loss in earnings of 200 to 300 million euros per year, as the costs could only be passed on in part due to price pressure from the trade.

Backhaus also called on the federal government to support the conversion of agriculture to biofuels in the interests of climate protection. For example, conventional diesel should be completely replaced by biodiesel over a period of five years; vehicles and equipment in agriculture are suitable for this. Biogas produced by farms could also be increasingly used. "We need acceptance and not discrepancy," Backhaus campaigned. He called for a special conference of federal and state agriculture ministers to be convened quickly.

In Berlin on Monday, thousands of farmers vented their anger with protests and a long line of tractors. Farmers' President Joachim Rukwied called on the coalition government to withdraw its plans to cut agricultural diesel and vehicle tax. Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) expressed his understanding for the farmers' displeasure and announced further consultations on the matter.

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