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Baby of killed Ukrainian woman travels to Ukraine with aunt

In March, investigators first found the body of the mother, then the baby's grandmother. The baby was with a married couple - the man and woman have since been in custody as suspected murderers.

In March, first the body of the mother who had been killed was found - then the body of the baby's...
In March, first the body of the mother who had been killed was found - then the body of the baby's grandmother who had been killed

Crime - Baby of killed Ukrainian woman travels to Ukraine with aunt

The baby of the Ukrainian woman found dead in March is on its way with its aunt to Ukraine. There, she will file an adoption application for the now five-month-old girl, confirmed Thomas Franz, the lawyer of the young woman. Previously, the SWR reported. The woman, who turned 21 years old on this Tuesday, plans to live in Ukraine with the baby. They had set off on their journey on a Friday. The Amtsgericht Wiesloch (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) had confirmed two weeks ago that the aunt had taken guardianship of the child. The guardianship of the Youth Welfare Office was thereby terminated.

The fate of the Ukrainian baby, its mother, and grandmother made headlines nationwide in March: On March 7, a passerby discovered the body of the 27-year-old mother at the Rhine riverbank in Hockenheim. On March 19, police divers found the body of the 51-year-old grandmother of the baby in a fisherman's pond at Bad Schönborn (Landkreis Karlsruhe). Both women died as a result of external violent impact, according to the autopsy results.

Baby found unharmed with alleged murderers

On March 13, the police arrested a couple - a 43-year-old man and a 44-year-old woman from Sandhausen near Heidelberg. At their residence, investigators found the baby unharmed. The two Germans are suspected of "jointly committing manslaughter to cover up a crime" in two cases, as the investigators stated at the time. They believe that the suspects killed the grandmother and a few hours later the mother of the baby on the evening of March 6. The little girl had been in the care of the Youth Welfare Office and was living with a foster family. The police have no information about the father of the baby.

According to research by the "Bild" newspaper, the suspects had told neighbors and colleagues in the months before the crime about the impending birth of their own daughter. They are alleged to have killed the 27-year-old woman to pass off the baby as their own. The investigators comment on this neither confirm nor deny.

The suspect couple has so far not responded to the accusations. They were reportedly friends with the women, who lived in a refugee shelter in the Rhein-Neckar-District. After the discovery of the mother's body, about 60 officers searched intensively for the baby and its grandmother.

  1. The local court in Wiesloch, Rhine-Neckar district, recently confirmed that the aunt of the baby has taken guardianship, thereby terminating the guardianship of the Youth Welfare Office.
  2. Thomas Franz, the lawyer of the Ukrainian woman, confirmed that the baby, now five months old, is on its way with its aunt to Ukraine to file an adoption application.
  3. The tragedy of the Ukrainian woman, her baby, and grandmother made headlines in Germany in March, with the women's bodies discovered around Hockenheim and Bad Schönborn.
  4. The Amtsgericht Wiesloch confirmed two weeks ago that the aunt had taken guardianship of the child, leading to the termination of the Youth Welfare Office's guardianship.
  5. In a case that shocked Germany, a couple from Sandhausen near Heidelberg was arrested in March for the alleged manslaughter of the grandmother and mother, with the intention of passing off the baby as their own.
  6. The suspect couple, who were friends with the women living in a refugee shelter in the Rhine-Neckar district, have so far not responded to the accusations made against them by the police.
  7. The SWR reported previously that the woman, who turned 21 years old this Tuesday, plans to live in Ukraine with the baby, following her journey that began on a Friday.

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