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Baby killed: Mother sentenced to six years in prison

A sign with the inscription "Defendant" is placed on the court
A sign with the inscription "Defendant" is placed on the court

Baby killed: Mother sentenced to six years in prison

The Schweinfurt District Court sentenced a mother to six years in prison for killing her baby on Friday. The court had already sentenced the woman to life imprisonment for murder in March. However, the defendant lodged an appeal against this.

The guilty verdict did not stand up to legal scrutiny by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and was referred back to the regional court (case no. 11 Js 9519/22). In the opinion of the BGH, the verdict did not prove the murder characteristic of malice aforethought.

Now the public prosecutor's office again requested a conviction for manslaughter and eight years in prison. The defense argued for a prison sentence of four years, as a court spokesperson announced on Friday.

The Somali woman, who is believed to be 28 years old, had confessed to killing her three-month-old daughter last August. According to the court, the accused stabbed the baby eight times with a kitchen knife in a refugee shelter in Geldersheim near Schweinfurt. The motive for the crime could not be conclusively clarified.

The case of the mother's conviction for manslaughter is now being processed again at the Schweinfurt District Court. This follows the decision of the Federal Court of Justice to scrutinize the initial guilty verdict due to insufficient proof of malice aforethought. Despite the ongoing processes, it's crucial to ensure the best interests of the surviving children, who are currently under the guardianship of the state.




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