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Avian influenza detected on turkey farm in Cuxhaven district

Avian influenza continues to spread in Lower Saxony. The highly contagious form of avian influenza was detected on a farm with more than 30,000 turkeys in the municipality of Wurster Nordseeküste, as the district of Cuxhaven announced on Thursday. The turkeys on the farm were killed.

Avian influenza - Avian influenza detected on turkey farm in Cuxhaven district

Avian influenza continues to spread in Lower Saxony. The highly contagious form of avian influenza was detected on a farm with more than 30,000 turkeys in the municipality of Wurster Nordseeküste, as the district of Cuxhaven announced on Thursday. The turkeys on the farm were killed.

According to the information provided, it is the avian influenza virus H5N1. To prevent further spread, a protection zone with a radius of three kilometers was established around the farm. The so-called surveillance zone is the area with a radius of ten kilometers. Strict rules apply to the protection zone and surveillance zone. For example, it is forbidden to transport poultry and poultry products. Individual exceptions are only possible with the approval of the veterinary office.

Avian influenza has been appearing in Germany again and again for years; it is introduced and spread by wild birds. It can cause major economic damage - if a flock is infected with the highly contagious variant, all the animals there are usually killed. Recently, several farms in Lower Saxony have been affected.

The district of Cuxhaven pointed out that wild birds behaving conspicuously in the wild should not be touched or caught. The H5 virus (avian influenza) is widespread and contagious, and there are no ways to save infected birds. Cats and dogs should be kept away from wild birds. "Even if an infection of humans or mammals with the bird flu currently observed in Europe is considered unlikely, transmission cannot be ruled out," it said.

Communication from the district

Read also:

  1. Scientists are closely monitoring the situation in the County of Cuxhaven, as the H5N1 strain of avian influenza has been detected in a turkey farm.
  2. The outbreak of avian influenza in animals is a significant concern for health officials in Lower Saxony, with multiple farms in the region being affected.
  3. To combat the spread of this contagious virus, strict rules have been enforced in the protection and surveillance zones around the affected farm.
  4. It's important to note that avian influenza is not limited to poultry farms; wild birds, such as those found along the North Sea coast, can also carry the virus.
  5. Public health authorities urge caution when encountering wild birds exhibiting unusual behavior, as humans and pets can potentially transmit or contract avian influenza.
  6. Despite the low likelihood of human infection, the potential for transmission is not ruled out, making it crucial for individuals to follow safety guidelines to protect their health.


