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Authorities conduct probes into hateful online content.

The prosecutor's office and the police aimed to issue a warning against online violence and extremist notions.

Police and public prosecutors also took action against hate and hate speech on the internet in...
Police and public prosecutors also took action against hate and hate speech on the internet in Saxony on Thursday.

Online hatred and disparaging remarks - Authorities conduct probes into hateful online content.

In connection with a nationwide initiative against hate speech and incitement online, Saxony's law enforcement and prosecutors participated in the crackdown on Thursday. As part of this effort, they carried out three search operations, leading to the capture of the suspects. In addition to these individuals, five others were interrogated by the State Criminal Police Office. The authorities initially set their sights on a total of 13 potential offenders. The allegations against them included hate speech, incitement to criminal behavior, threats, and insults. However, the investigations were still ongoing.

Known for partaking in these kinds of action days regularly, Saxony aims to send a strong message against violence and the promotion of extremist ideologies. Along with this, investigators focused on the proliferation of false information and conspiracy theories. The police requested that citizens maintain respect and factuality in the virtual realm and urged them to report any offensive posts to the authorities.

Press release:

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During the action day against hate speech and incitement, Dresden's police force was among those participating in the city's searches. The investigation into extremism online led to the capture of several suspects and the interrogation of five others by the LKA. The public prosecutor's office is currently probing cases of hate posting and criminal threats, which are among the crimes under investigation. Saxony's authorities continue to combat online hatred and false information, encouraging the public to report any offensive posts and uphold factuality in the virtual realm.



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