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Authorities assure safety during the European Football Championship in Leipzig.

At the European Football Championships in Leipzig, police prioritize security with helicopter assistance, drone defense, and support from federal states. One particular game poses significant danger.

A police emergency vehicle.
A police emergency vehicle.

Football World Championship 2024 - Authorities assure safety during the European Football Championship in Leipzig.

The upcoming European Football Championship brings a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies in Saxony, particularly in Leipzig. "The EM occurs amidst a time of crises, which makes it drastically different from the World Cup in 2006," Leipzig's police spokesperson Olaf Hoppe told the German Press Agency in a recent interview. The recent spate of terrorist attacks in various European nations has impacted society and increased the range and intensity of police tasks.

To help tackle the elevated security needs, police in Leipzig are receiving support from all police stations in Saxony, including the Special Police Force. The Saxon Ministry of the Interior has also been contacted to obtain further support from other police forces in the state. Police offices are prepared for various scenarios through extensive exercises, Hoppe highlighted.

Collaboration with the Czech Police on the opening day

During the match between Portugal and the Czech Republic on June 18, a joint unit of Czech and Saxon police officers will be on-site. In addition to helicopters, a police drone defense will be deployed due to potential threats from unmaned aerial systems. A constant dialog takes place with the Saxon Police Headquarters, Leipzig's fire department, and the city, Hoppe added.

Prioritizing the Croatia vs. Italy encounter

Although the authorities remain confident about the overall security of the event, they are paying special attention to the match between Italy and Croatia on June 24 due to the strained relationship between supporters of the two teams. Although other games in Leipzig are primarily about security for all visitors to the city, particularly at the fan zone, this game will receive extra focus.

"We're sure that the EM will be peaceful, with the focus on sport and the four games in Leipzig being a benefit to the city," the police spokesperson concluded. But the match between Italy and Croatia, due to the tense relations between their fans, will be under heightened surveillance. Despite this, the authorities are optimistic about the overall security of the tournament, where sports take center stage. This means that duty plans have been rearranged, with little to no vacation time for staff, and only 10% of employees in all of Saxony can take leave. These officers will either have to make up for their overtime during the EM or spend their vacation time with their families. Thus, not only the European Football Championship will pose a challenge, but also the rest of the summer months.

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