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Attention: The water levels in most rivers across Thuringia are increasing.

Prepare for intense rainfall in the upcoming days, as experts predict it could raise river water levels and potentially lead to flooding.

A marker indicates the water level.
A marker indicates the water level.

Potential for water inundation. - Attention: The water levels in most rivers across Thuringia are increasing.

Due to heavy rainfall, Thuringia's rivers are expected to overflow. The State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Protection in Jena warned on Thursday about rising water levels throughout the state. The German Weather Service (DWD) anticipates substantial rainfall in Thuringia, lasting from the night of Friday to Monday.

To prepare for the potential floods, a crisis management team has been assembled by the State Office. The affected municipalities have been informed, and dams are being expanded to accommodate the water masses. It is estimated that as much as 100 liters of rainfall per square meter could occur in Central, Southern, and Eastern Thuringia, with localized instances reaching up to 140 liters per square meter. As a result, the flood warning center anticipates a considerable increase in water levels over the weekend. Flooding on rivers and streams is also likely.

The State Office has established a command center - the flood warning center will be staffed round-the-clock to monitor the flood situation and inform the public and relevant authorities about the current status and, if necessary, alert them.

A general alert has been sent out to disaster control authorities in the districts and free cities, as well as to control centers and water management authorities. River masters are on standby and have begun securing water management facilities and structures in the state. Thuringian dams are currently releasing water to create additional storage capacity until Saturday. Furthermore, coordination with authorities in the neighboring state of Saxony is underway.

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