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Attempts to cheat in driving school tests rarely detected

Cheating in the theoretical driving school test is rare in MV - at least judging by the cases that have been discovered. According to examiners, there are significantly more elsewhere. The trend is worrying.

The DEKRA headquarters in Rostock.
The DEKRA headquarters in Rostock.

Education - Attempts to cheat in driving school tests rarely detected

Attempts to cheat on the theoretical driving test are registered comparatively rarely in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. According to testing company Dekra, the number for the first nine months of the current year is six. "We take more than 30,000 theory tests in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern every year," a Dekra spokesperson told the German Press Agency. "This means that the number of cheating attempts detected is below the per mille range."

He also put the figure for 2022 as a whole at six and for 2021 at eight. In addition to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Dekra is also responsible for tests in Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony. There are major regional differences when it comes to attempts to cheat. Nowhere is the number of cheating attempts detected higher than in Berlin. There, for example, Dekra counted a total of 200 cheating attempts in 2022. With a good 51,000 exams, that is around 0.3 percent. "In the period from January to September 2023, however, there were already more than 300 cases," said the spokesperson.

In mid-October, a press release from the TÜV association reported an increasing number of detected attempts to cheat. The trend is worrying. According to the report, there were 38 percent more cases across Germany in the first three quarters of this year than in the same period in 2022. The number of unreported cases is probably much higher.

According to the data, a third of attempts to cheat were so-called proxy tests - where someone else takes the test instead of the learner driver. However, technical devices such as smartphones, headphones and cameras were also used to cheat.

Communication from October

Read also:

  1. Despite the increase in attempts to cheat on the driver's license test across Germany, the number of detected cases in heavy traffic areas like Berlin is still below 1%, suggesting that a significant amount of trickery remains undetected.
  2. In light of the holy grail of obtaining a driver's license, some heavy-handed individuals in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have resorted to attempting to deceive the testing company Dekra during their driver's license test.
  3. Despite the heavy penalties associated with cheating on the driver's license test, the German Press Agency reported that attempts to cheat during the theoretical driving test are rarely detected, especially in regions like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  4. The spokesperson from Dekra, responsible for tests in Berlin, revealed that an attempt to deceive during the driver's license test is considered heavy-duty cheating, with over 200 cases detected in Berlin alone in 2022, and a staggering 300 attempts already this year.
  5. Despite the heavy consequences for attempting to cheat during the driver's license test, such as a failed test, penalty points, or even a ban, in heavy traffic regions like Berlin, the spirit of trickery is still rife among some eager-to-pass drivers.


