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Attacks on politicians are no longer a rare occurrence, according to Merz.

CDU Federal Chairman Friedrich Merz views the assault on his party member Roderich Kiesewetter as part of a wider pattern. On a daily and weekly basis, Merz stated, their party encounters incidents of violence against police officers, security personnel, civilians, political dissidents, and...

Friedrich Merz, Federal Chairman of the CDU, attends a CDU campaign event for the 2024 local and...
Friedrich Merz, Federal Chairman of the CDU, attends a CDU campaign event for the 2024 local and European elections.

The leader of the Christian Democratic Union, a German political party, - Attacks on politicians are no longer a rare occurrence, according to Merz.

On Saturday, a man assaulted Kiesewetter at a CDU election stand in Aalen, near Stuttgart, causing minor injuries. The suspect is familiar to the police, according to a police spokesperson. Media articles suggest the assailant is an Aalen city council candidate aligned with the Querdenker movement.

Merz stated in Potsdam, "Despite our differences: Let's not jeopardize the shared ground." In other words, "We abide by the rules. We advocate for a society that is free, open, tolerant, and we do not provide footholds for unfriendly forces within our country." Physical altercations should not overshadow our right to be free.

This aspiration pertains to individuals regardless of their affiliation, "be it with us, Social Democrats, or even with the AfD or the Left Party." These acts of aggression endanger our freedom and democracy, underscored Merz.

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