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Attack plans: Reker thanks police and announces talks

In view of the increased protective measures due to a possible attack plan on Cologne Cathedral, Lord Mayor Henriette Reker has thanked the police "for their swift and prudent action". "I have every confidence that everything will be done to protect the people of Cologne and our cathedral over...

Henriette Reker, Mayor of Cologne, gives an interview.
Henriette Reker, Mayor of Cologne, gives an interview.

Terrorism - Attack plans: Reker thanks police and announces talks

In view of the increased protective measures due to a possible attack plan on Cologne Cathedral, Lord Mayor Henriette Reker has thanked the police "for their swift and prudent action". "I have every confidence that everything will be done to protect the people of Cologne and our cathedral over the next few days," the local politician said on Sunday. She also asked people to follow the advice and recommendations and thus support the work of the police.

The city of Cologne now wants to examine whether additional measures by the public order service together with the police are necessary in view of the turn of the year. "We are in close contact to check whether we can also support this work on the part of the city with regard to our controls around the Domplatte on New Year's Eve," explained Reker. For years, the public order office has been carrying out bag checks around the Domplatte on New Year's Eve to enforce the ban on firecrackers at gates that lead through barriers. The aim is to discuss whether the police can provide support here.

The Cologne police had previously stated that they had received a tip-off about a dangerous situation around Cologne Cathedral, possibly also for Cologne Cathedral, which related to New Year's Eve. Officers check visitors to Cologne Cathedral in the entrance area. The police also have a strong presence in front of Cologne Cathedral.

According to the German Press Agency, the security authorities had received information about a possible plan by an Islamist group to attack the cathedral and a church in Vienna. On Sunday, the Cologne police did not want to comment further on the tip-off and their findings with regard to undercover investigations. At the same time, the police made it clear that the significantly increased security measures at Cologne Cathedral will continue for some time.

Like NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) before her, Reker also made it clear that people should not be deterred from visiting the church. "We Cologne residents will not be intimidated by crazy terrorists. Our cathedral has stood proudly in the heart of our city since 1248 and also embodies the self-confidence of us Cologne residents," emphasized the Lord Mayor.

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