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Attack planned: Iraqi faced deportation

The 20-year-old Iraqi from Saxony-Anhalt, who may have planned a terrorist attack, was about to be deported. "A deportation had already been prepared for today, Friday, December 1, 2023, in coordination with the Federal Police," the Ministry of the Interior in Magdeburg announced.

Visitors walk through the Hildesheim Christmas market.
Visitors walk through the Hildesheim Christmas market.

Terrorism - Attack planned: Iraqi faced deportation

The 20-year-old Iraqi from Saxony-Anhalt, who may have planned a terrorist attack, was about to be deported. "A deportation had already been prepared for today, Friday, December 1, 2023, in coordination with the Federal Police," the Ministry of the Interior in Magdeburg announced.

The 20-year-old was arrested in Helmstedt on November 21. According to the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony, the police had indications that the man was planning a serious act of violence. He was allegedly planning to attack visitors to a Christmas market. The police in Lower Saxony are investigating him on suspicion of a planned terrorist attack. According to the LKA, the man is in police custody.

The 20-year-old has filed an appeal against the deportation decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees with the Magdeburg Administrative Court. The office had rejected the 20-year-old's asylum application on November 21, 2023 as manifestly unfounded. The deadline for leaving the country in such a case is one week.

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