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Attack plan against Rheinmetall-CEO: Government sees security agencies armed

According to media reports about a attack plan against the CEO of Rheinmetall, the German Federal Interior Ministry considers German security agencies ready for all threats from Russia. A spokesperson for the Federal Interior Ministry in Berlin stated on Friday that German security agencies...

Rheinmetall-CEO Papperger
Rheinmetall-CEO Papperger

Attack plan against Rheinmetall-CEO: Government sees security agencies armed

Regarding reports of a planned assassination plot against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger by Russia, the spokesperson declined to provide further details. CNN reported on Thursday that US intelligence had informed German authorities about assault plans against Papperger, which had been thwarted.

The case has led to calls for strengthening German intelligence services to not solely rely on US information. Since the beginning of Russia's aggression in Ukraine in early 2022, German security agencies have been "massively strengthened" in response to the heightened threat situation, according to the spokesperson of the Interior Ministry. "This also applies to the intelligence services." Particularly counter-espionage and counter-sabotage have received "significant strengthening."

The spokesperson also referred to the fact that there is a billion euros more budgeted for the Interior Ministry in the 2025 Federal Budget. This too is a result of the heightened threat situation.

  1. The Federal Interior Ministry in Germany has been actively working on enhancing its security measures in response to the escalating threat from Russia.
  2. Armin Papperger, the CEO of the German armament corporation Rheinmetall, was reportedly the target of an attack plan orchestrated by Russia.
  3. US Intelligence Agencies alerted their German counterparts about potential assault plans against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger, which were subsequently thwarted.
  4. The federal government and security authorities in Berlin are now under pressure to increase the capabilities of their intelligence services to reduce their reliance on foreign sources, like the US.
  5. Armin Papperger appreciated the efforts made by the German government and security authorities in improving the country's security infrastructure, which has been boosted significantly in response to the tense situation with Russia.
  6. The spokesperson for the Federal Interior Ministry expressed concern about the increased threat posed by Russia and emphasized the need for strengthening intelligence services and other security agencies.
  7. According to some international news outlets, like CNN, allegations of Russian interference and threats against global leaders have become more frequent, raising concerns within various security authorities around the world.

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