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Attack on Christmas market planned: Iraqi deported

A 20-year-old Iraqi who is said to have planned a terrorist attack over the Christmas period was deported to his country of origin on Friday evening. This was announced by the Ministry of the Interior in Saxony-Anhalt on Saturday. The deportation was accompanied by an indefinite ban on entry...

Terrorism - Attack on Christmas market planned: Iraqi deported

A 20-year-old Iraqi who is said to have planned a terrorist attack over the Christmas period was deported to his country of origin on Friday evening. This was announced by the Ministry of the Interior in Saxony-Anhalt on Saturday. The deportation was accompanied by an indefinite ban on entry and residence.

The 20-year-old was taken into custody in Helmstedt on November 21. According to the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony, the police had indications that the man had planned a serious act of violence. He is said to have planned to attack visitors to a Christmas market. The man lived in Saxony-Anhalt and worked in Lower Saxony.

"Thanks to the high level of vigilance of the security authorities, plans for an attack were thwarted. The successful deportation is the result of very well-functioning cooperation between several authorities," said Saxony-Anhalt Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU).

Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) explained that a serious threat had been successfully averted. "We will remain vigilant in the future and will not let up in our efforts to protect our citizens. Because the truth is: the general threat situation remains tense."

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