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ATM blown up in Ahrensbök near Lübeck

An ATM at a Deutsche Bank branch in Ahrensbök near Lübeck was blown up early Friday morning. The combined residential and commercial building was considerably damaged by the unknown perpetrators, as the police reported on Friday. No persons were injured.

View of a destroyed ATM.
View of a destroyed ATM.

Investigations - ATM blown up in Ahrensbök near Lübeck

An ATM at a Deutsche Bank branch in Ahrensbök near Lübeck was blown up early Friday morning. The combined residential and commercial building was considerably damaged by the unknown perpetrators, as the police reported on Friday. No persons were injured.

Despite an immediate manhunt, the perpetrator or perpetrators are still on the run. It was initially unclear whether any money had been stolen. The investigation is continuing, they said. The police asked the public for information from witnesses.


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