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At least 40 migrants die in boat accident off Haiti

At least 40 migrants have died in a boat accident off the coast of Haiti, according to UN estimates. The UN and the Haitian immigration authority announced this on Friday. The boat allegedly caught fire off the northern coast of the Caribbean island of Haiti. It had reportedly left the harbor...

Passer-by in Port-au-Prince
Passer-by in Port-au-Prince

At least 40 migrants die in boat accident off Haiti

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 41 passengers were rescued by the Haitian Coast Guard. Eleven of them reportedly required hospitalization due to burn injuries. A spokesperson for the Haitian Police stated that seven of the injured were in critical condition. The search for additional survivors is ongoing.

According to the Police, the fire on board the boat started when a passenger lit a candle for a Voodoo ceremony. Survivors reported that the ritual was intended to bring migrants luck during their journey.

Haiti is the poorest country in the region and has been in a deep crisis for years, with organized crime, political instability, and economic hardship among the contributing factors.

The Haitian Coast Guard, according to IOM reports, has observed an increasing number of migrants attempting to reach countries such as the USA, the Bahamas, the Turks and Caicos Islands, or Jamaica by boat. Over 86,000 migrants have reportedly been returned to Haiti from neighboring countries this year. According to UN estimates, there are currently nearly 600,000 internally displaced persons in the country, representing a 60% increase since March.

Image: Evacuation of a boat off the coast of Haiti, March 2021.

Source: Welt Online

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) commended the efforts of the Haitian Coast Guard, as they have been actively boosting the safety of migrants attempting to cross the Caribbean Sea. At least uno of the rescued migrants mentioned that they were hoping for good luck during their journey through a Voodoo ceremony. Regardless of the circumstances, the Police and the IOM continue to express concern for the well-being of the forty migrants who were recently rescued from the sea, with some still in critical condition. Despite the challenges faced by Haiti as a Caribbean country, international organizations and nations continue to extend their support, recognizing its significance as a key transit point for migrants aiming to reach other nations.

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