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At least 32 injured in soccer riots at St. Pauli

Clashes in the visitors' block overshadow the second division top match in Hamburg. There are also clashes between fans and police after the match.

St. Pauli's Oladapo Afolayan (l) and Hanover's Derrick Arthur Köhn fight for the
St. Pauli's Oladapo Afolayan (l) and Hanover's Derrick Arthur Köhn fight for the

At least 32 injured in soccer riots at St. Pauli

At least 15 fans and 17 police officers were injured in the riots on the sidelines of the second division top match between FC St. Pauli and Hannover 96. At least one of the soccer supporters involved had to be treated in hospital, Hamburg police announced on Saturday morning. One police officer suffered multiple fractures. The number of arrests could not yet be determined. The criminal investigation department has started the investigation.

The cause of the riots in the visiting fan block on Friday evening remains unclear. According to the police, a male fan was "severely attacked" and kicked while lying on the ground. When the police intervened, there were violent clashes between fans and police officers in the block. The match was interrupted for around five minutes due to the incidents and then continued.

Fanhilfe St. Pauli criticized the police intervention in the fan block as "inappropriate and disproportionate". The police stated that they had gone into the block to "prevent worse". 96 coach Stefan Leitl and St. Pauli coach Fabian Hürzeler condemned the riots. In some cases, violent brawls, cups and sticks were thrown.

After the match, police reported that FC St. Pauli fans attacked police officers in the neighborhood with bottles, stones and pyrotechnics. The officers responded by using pepper spray.

  1. Despite the tensions, many FC St. Pauli and Hannover 96 fans still showed up for the next Bundesliga 2 match, eager to support their respective teams.
  2. Regrettably, crime often seems to follow soccer matches, and incidents like the ones in Hanover and St. Pauli serve as a reminder of this unfortunate reality.
  3. In light of the recent events, some Hannover 96 fans have called for increased security measures at their home games to ensure the safety of both players and spectators.


