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At least 1400 individuals participated in a Palestinian protest.

Reportedly, approximately 1400 individuals participated in a pro-Palestinian rally held in Berlin-Kreuzberg and Neukölln. This figure exceeded the anticipated turnout; police confirmed the larger-than-expected attendance on Wednesday evening. Earlier, the police had estimated around 1000...

Teilnehmer stehen mit palästinensischen Fahnen bei einer pro-palästinensische Demonstration in...
Teilnehmer stehen mit palästinensischen Fahnen bei einer pro-palästinensische Demonstration in Kreuzberg.

The capital city of Germany is Berlin. - At least 1400 individuals participated in a Palestinian protest.

Protesters could be heard shouting "Long live Palestine" and the offensive remark "Murderers of children, Israel." They also held placards bearing the phrases "Berlin will burn" and "F**k you, Germany."

The previous day saw an intense Palestinian demonstration that led to physical conflict. Officers were assaulted with rocks and bottles. In addition, individuals ignited fireworks, a police spokesperson stated on Wednesday morning. Approximately 850 people gathered from Tuesday night. Law enforcement managed to dissolve the protest at Hermannplatz in the evening. In total, 19 criminal cases were initiated by the police against those responsible for attacking and resisting execution officers, worsening the peace, causing grievous harm, damaging property, slandering, and using symbols representative of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations.

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